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Ramblers Rest is considered suitable accommodation for RSE workers.
There are a number of places in the Ashburton area where backpackers can find work. If you're in the market to find something new try from the list below:
Agstaff (Raewyn Davies) (03)308 7038 or 021502485
Personnel Placements (03)308 9675
Canstaff Ltd, 77 Cass St (03)308 7038
Leaderbrand (Brain Allan) (03)308 5387 or 027 560 0469
Tom Gundry Contracting Ltd (03)308 3003
Harnett Contracting Ltd (03)308 3150 or 0274340181
Talleys Frozen Foods (03)307 9600
NZ Lavender 022 6763 413
Farm workers required, on a casual and part-time basis
Please contact Leonie for further details.
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